Angus Cattle
Breeding Stock – Bulls
In late summer we select a small percentage of our top performers to remain bulls. The bulls are fed a high forage ration to ensure the best breeding performance throughout the season and in a variety of settings or management styles. Our bulls are bred to continue the improvement of the top traits of the Angus breed, such as calving ease, efficient growth, and carcass merit. Our bulls have been among the top performers each spring at the Michigan Bull Test and the MSU Expo. All bulls are semen tested and undergo a breeding soundness exam prior to sale. In addition, we guarantee the performance of our bulls 100% for the first breeding season.
Breeding Stock – Females
We have hand-selected stock from the top cow families in the nation to introduce proven genetics that have a consistent superior result. All females are artificially inseminated or implanted with embryos that are carefully selected to achieve the best characteristics of the Angus breed, with a focus on calving ease, efficient growth, and carcass quality. In addition, our females have strong maternal abilities to ensure minimal effort on your part, and a docile disposition for those times when a little extra effort may be necessary.
Club Calves
Look to us as the source for your next 4-H steer or show heifer. Our cross bred calves from our very functional Angus females bred to the top clubby bulls in the nation to produce heavy muscled, structurally sound, eye appealing show cattle.
Herd Sires
Dawson Farms uses nationally prominent A.I. sires within our breeding program.
2023 Sires include:
Top Bloodlines from Several Cow Families:
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